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5 Reasons to Choose Traditional Braces

March 30, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 5:21 pm
Teen girl in yellow sweater with traditional braces in East Hartford

In the past few decades, numerous clear aligner systems have hit the market. They, along with other emerging orthodontic treatment options, seem to have overshadowed traditional braces in East Hartford in a number of ways. But did you know that traditional braces are still one of the most reliable and popular ways to straighten teeth? In this blog post, we will discuss a few reasons why you might choose them over the alternatives.

You Are Concerned About Cost

In most cases, traditional braces come with a lower cost than clear aligners, lingual braces, and ceramic braces. That makes them an excellent option for budget-conscious families who want high-quality treatment without stretching their finances. The price of traditional braces can vary from practice to practice, but you will find that many providers charge reasonable fees and offer flexible payment options.

You Have Moderate to Severe Dental Misalignment

Clear aligners and other newer orthodontic options are quite effective at straightening teeth, but they do have their limitations. They might not be suitable for you if your dental misalignment is severe or you have certain types of orthodontic issues. Traditional braces, on the other hand, are able to handle the vast majority of cases, from mild misalignment to severe problems.

You Worry that You Might Forget to Wear Clear Aligners

One of the convenient features of clear aligners is that they are removable. For some patients, however, that removability presents the possibility that they could accidentally neglect their treatment. Traditional braces are bonded to the teeth, so it is impossible to forget to wear them. They might be especially good for younger patients who are still refining their self-discipline.

You Are an Athlete

If you love to play contact sports, you should not wear clear aligners during practice or games; you should wear a mouthguard instead. In the meantime, your aligners may sit on the sidelines and might get lost in the shuffle. Braces will be with you during all of your practices, and you can invest in a specialized orthodontic mouthguard to protect both them and your teeth.

You Want to Make a Statement

The subtle, almost unnoticeable appearance of clear aligners is, by and large, considered a huge advantage. However, some individuals love the customizability of traditional braces. Brackets come in many different colors, so you can opt for natural-looking colors, or you can choose hues that show your support for your favorite sports team or your love of a certain time of year.

Both traditional braces and other forms of orthodontic treatment have their advantages. Your local dental team can help you decide on the option that is best for your unique circumstances.

Meet the Practice

The team of dentists and specialists at Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut offers multiple forms of orthodontic treatment, including both clear aligners and traditional braces. Our on-staff orthodontist, Dr. Ledjo Palo, enjoys working with patients of all ages and backgrounds. If you would like to learn more about your options for straightening your teeth, get in touch with us at 860-367-8326.

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