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What to Expect After Root Canal Therapy

March 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 2:28 pm

Woman relaxing on sofa while recovering from root canal therapyRoot canal therapy is a remarkable procedure that can save a damaged tooth, end a debilitating toothache, and get your oral health back on track. However, many patients are nervous about undergoing it. The good news is that there is nothing to worry about — the treatment process is much more comfortable than most people anticipate. But what about the recovery period? What can you expect after root canal therapy? This simple guide explains.

Immediately After a Root Canal

Your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb your mouth during your treatment. It is also possible that you will be sedated. The anesthesia and sedation may linger for some time after your appointment, so your mouth is unlikely to feel anything for a while. While you are still numb, you should avoid hot drinks as well as chewing any food that might cause you to accidentally bite yourself.

Once the anesthesia and sedation wear off, you can expect to experience a degree of soreness in your mouth.

Soreness Can Linger for Several Days

Soreness and swelling are normal after root canal therapy. Usually, these symptoms start to subside after a few days, and you will be able to gradually add tougher, chewier items back into your diet. In the meantime, eat soft foods and take proper doses of pain medication to manage your discomfort. Some dentists may prescribe pain medication. Many over-the-counter options, such as ibuprofen, are also effective.

You should be sure to rest after your procedure, but unless you have a job that requires a lot of physical exertion, you will probably be able to go back to work the day after your appointment.

Full Recovery May Take a Few Weeks

Your pain and discomfort are likely to dissipate within the first week of your recovery. However, your mouth may continue to feel strange for a few weeks after that.

Be sure to attend all recommended follow-up appointments so your dentist can check on your recovery and place a permanent crown on your treated tooth if necessary. A crown can protect your treated tooth from future damage and ensure that it is strong enough to stand up to everyday wear and tear.

You should continuously monitor your mouth for signs of problems. Issues like severe pain, swelling, pus, and redness are causes for concern that should move you to call your dentist right away. If you have an infection, or if it is discovered that your root canal was not successful, your dentist will take steps to address the issue. (Most root canals are successful, so you should not worry too much that your procedure will fail.)

Root canal therapy comes with a bit of a recovery period, but before you know it, you should be pain-free and enjoying all the benefits of your treatment!

Meet the Practice

Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut proudly provides general oral healthcare to residents of East Hartford and the surrounding communities. Root canal therapy is among the many restorative services that we offer. To learn more about us and how we may be able to care for you, contact our office at 860-288-5786.

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