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5 Tips for Your First Week with Traditional Braces

September 3, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 3:08 pm

Dental patient smiling during first week with braces in East HartfordWill you be getting braces in the near future? Your treatment is likely to improve your oral health, enhance your smile, and provide other benefits — truly, you have much to look forward to! In the meantime, however, you will need to adjust to some new sensations and habits while your teeth are being straightened. The first week with braces in East Hartford might be particularly challenging. Below, you will find some tips to get you through this transition period as easily as possible.

Check Your Braces Before You Leave the Dentist’s Office

After your dentist or orthodontist places your braces on your teeth, run your tongue over them to check for protruding wires and other issues that have the potential to cause irritation. Also, feel free to ask your dental team any questions that come to mind; you should feel confident in your ability to care well for your braces and your teeth. Additionally, do not hesitate to ask for extra orthodontic wax, elastics, or other supplies that might come in handy before your next appointment.

Expect Some Soreness

You are likely to experience some discomfort during your first few days with braces. Here are some ways to manage this issue:

  • Use over-the-counter pain medications, such as ibuprofen, to minimize inflammation and soreness.
  • Sip on cold water.
  • Rinse with salt water a few times each day.

Liberally Use Orthodontic Wax

Your braces’ brackets and wires may rub against the soft tissues in your mouth, causing irritation and sores. In the future, after you adjust to your braces, sores should become less frequent. In the meantime, though, applying orthodontic wax to your brackets can place a barrier between them and your sensitive tissues, thereby decreasing discomfort.

Make Wise Food Choices

Crunchy and chewy foods have the potential to worsen any discomfort that you feel. They could also damage your braces. Try to eat primarily soft foods during the first week after you begin orthodontic treatment. Pasta, well-cooked vegetables, smoothies, scrambled eggs, and shakes are all suitable choices. After the initial soreness wears off, you can try out some tougher foods. Of course, you should always adhere to the standard dietary restrictions that come with braces.

Do Not Be Afraid to Ask for Help

If you encounter any unexpected problems during your first week with braces (or later), do not hesitate to get in touch with your dental team. Describe the situation to them, and they will do all they can to help, whether that means providing guidance over the phone or scheduling you for an appointment.

Adjusting to braces can take some time. However, with a few practical measures, you can adapt to your treatment and begin your journey to a straighter smile with as little discomfort as possible.

Meet the Practice

Here at Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut, we pride ourselves on providing a range of high-quality treatments in a welcoming environment. If you have questions about what to expect while you are undergoing orthodontic care, we would be pleased to speak with you. Contact us at 860-288-5786.

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