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5 Signs You Should Replace Your Dentures

December 31, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 2:33 pm
Stained denture in East Hartford against white background

Dentures are a reliable form of tooth replacement that have helped generations of patients to enjoy a robust diet and smile with confidence. As great as they are, however, they do not last forever. If it has been a few years since you got your prosthetic teeth, you might be wondering when you should replace them. In this blog post, we will discuss five signs that you should probably visit your dentist to ask about getting new dentures in East Hartford.

Your Dentures Feel Loose

Tooth loss causes the jawbone to change shape. As it changes, that will inevitably affect the way your dentures fit. If you find that your prosthetic teeth often slip out of place or that you are using more adhesive than you used to, you should definitely schedule a visit with your dentist. It might be possible to adjust your dentures so they fit well again, but you should also prepare yourself for the possibility that you need new ones altogether.

It Is Difficult for You to Speak Clearly

Your tongue interacts with your dentures to help you produce clear speech. If your dentures no longer fit well, your speech might begin to sound a little “slushy.” Your prosthetic may need to be adjusted or replaced.

Your Gums Are in Pain

You should be able to wear your denture all day without any discomfort. If you find that your gums begin to ache after you have been wearing your dentures for a while, or that you have sores or lesions on your gums, that may mean that your denture no longer fits well or that it has suffered damage. You should schedule an appointment with your dentist in East Hartford as soon as possible.

There Is Visible Damage or Discoloration

If you accidentally break your denture or it becomes warped, you should not attempt DIY repairs. It would also be unwise to wear the denture while it is damaged. Instead, contact your dentist so they can assess the damage and let you know whether you need a new one. Additionally, if your denture is discolored and you cannot restore its original beauty through normal cleaning measures, it may be time to consider investing in a replacement.

You Would Like to Upgrade

Even if there is nothing wrong with your denture, you might find that you want a form of tooth replacement that is more stable and lasts longer. If so, ask your dentist about implant-retained tooth replacement. Dental implants serve as substitute tooth roots and can make your teeth as sturdy and natural-feeling as possible.

What do you think? Is it time to replace your dentures? If so, your local restorative dentist would be happy to help you.

Meet the Practice

Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut features an expansive team of dentists and specialists. We offer a range of restorative treatments, including both traditional dentures and implant-retained prosthetics. If you are interested in learning more about your tooth replacement options, contact our office at 860-367-8326.

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