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Should I See an Emergency Dentist for Facial Swelling?

March 6, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 2:27 pm
Woman hiding mouth, wondering if she should see an emergency dentist for facial swelling in East Hartford

Facial swelling can be embarrassing, uncomfortable, and perhaps even a little scary — especially if you do not know what is causing the problem. Certainly, you should seek professional treatment. But would it be wiser to visit the hospital or head to your local dental office? In most cases, seeing an emergency dentist for facial swelling in East Hartford is the best way to find effective treatment. This blog post discusses why that is the case.

Why Visit a Dentist for Facial Swelling?

Quite often, facial swelling occurs because of an oral health problem. For example, if you have a toothache along with swelling, it is likely that an infection has spread from the tooth into the surrounding tissues. Antibiotics, probably along with root canal therapy or other restorative treatments, may be able to fight the infection, stop the swelling, and end your toothache.

Another dental health-related cause of facial swelling is injury. If you took a blow to the mouth during a sports game or other activities, it could easily cause the affected tissues to become inflamed and swell up. An emergency dentist may inspect the injury, provide necessary treatment, and give you advice to facilitate a smooth recovery.

Bear in mind that facial swelling should never be ignored, particularly if it may be related to a dental infection. An untreated infection can gain so much momentum that it spreads throughout the rest of the body, contributing to a high fever and other serious symptoms. In very rare cases, individuals have even died from uncontrolled oral infections.

Should You Ever Visit the Hospital for Facial Swelling?

Of course, your dentist is not the best source of help for all cases of facial swelling. If the swelling is severe enough to interfere with your breathing, head to the ER or call 911 immediately. After the hospital team provides primary care, you can see your dentist for any necessary follow-up treatment.

It is also worth noting that not all cases of facial swelling are related to oral health. For example, you may be having an allergic reaction, in which case it would be best to visit the hospital instead of your dentist.

How Long Will It Take for the Swelling to Disappear?

Facial swelling related to oral health tends to subside within days of treatment. However, every case is different. Plus, some dental treatments may cause some swelling of their own. Cold compresses, keeping your head elevated, and following other post-treatment instructions can help keep any treatment-related swelling to a minimum.

Facial swelling can be a sign of a major problem! Seeking prompt treatment from the appropriate party can enable you to find relief, protect your precious smile, and perhaps even prolong your life.

Meet the Practice

The large team of dentists at Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut is proud to offer a wide range of services. We do our best to make room in our schedule to see emergency cases as soon as possible. If you are concerned about facial swelling or other dental symptoms, contact us at 860-288-5786.

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