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Is It Okay to Drink Alcohol After a Tooth Extraction?

April 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 11:04 pm

Margarita isolated against black backgroundUnder normal circumstances, it is perfectly acceptable to refresh yourself with a beer, wine, or cocktail. However, it is quite a different story for people who have recently undergone a significant dental procedure. Is it okay to drink alcohol after a tooth extraction? Well, no, not really. This blog post discusses why you should wait at least a week before you go back to enjoying your favorite adult beverages.

Alcohol Can Interfere with Blood Clotting

After your dentist removes your tooth, a blood clot should start to form at the extraction site. The clot’s job is to protect your empty socket. It plays a significant role in your body’s healing process. Unfortunately, since alcohol causes blood to become thinner, it can worsen bleeding after an invasive dental treatment. It could even prevent a blood clot from forming and contribute to a painful complication known as dry socket.

Alcohol Can Interact with Pain Medications

A second reason why you should avoid alcohol after a tooth extraction deals with pain medication. Whether you receive a prescription for it or use over-the-counter products, you will likely need something to make you comfortable while your body is healing. Alcohol can interact with pain medications. It could contribute to dangerous side effects, such as liver failure, impaired motor function, and more.

When Can You Start Drinking Alcohol Again?

In most cases, patients can safely resume alcohol consumption about 7 – 10 days after an extraction procedure. However, please keep in mind that different people heal at different rates. Be patient with yourself and wait to drink alcohol until after any soreness from your procedure is gone. At the very least, you should hold off on alcohol until your last dose of pain medication wears off.

What Can You Drink After a Tooth Extraction?

Even though alcohol should be off-limits while you are recovering from a tooth extraction, there are still lots of other beverages that you should feel free to enjoy. Here are a few examples:

  • Iced coffee and tea. You should avoid hot beverages for a day or two after your extraction, but it is fine to enjoy a refreshing iced tea or coffee. Green tea can be a particularly good choice because it has chemical compounds that may reduce bleeding.
  • Broth and smooth soups. Broths and blended soups can provide protein and other nutrients that can be invaluable at a time when you may not feel up to chewing anything.
  • Cold water. Water will keep you hydrated, and its cold temperature can feel soothing in a sore mouth.

A tooth extraction means you will have to say no to alcohol for a while, but time will pass quickly. Before you know it, you will once again be able to sip on your favorite adult beverage.

Meet the Practice

Here at Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut, we gladly provide tooth extraction services and other oral health treatments for the East Hartford community. If you have questions about what to expect while you are recovering from a dental procedure, we would be pleased to speak with you. Get in touch with us at 860-288-5786.

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