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Can Gum Recontouring Help Receding Gums?

June 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 2:46 pm
Close-up of receding gums in East Hartford

Ideally, your gums should create a subtle pink frame for your teeth. Unfortunately, many individuals suffer from receding gums in East Hartford, which can make some teeth appear longer than others. Genetics can play a role in this problem, but gum disease is also a common cause. What can you do to restore your smile’s beauty and health? Your dentist might recommend that you undergo a procedure known as gum recontouring.

Gum Recontouring for Cosmetic Purposes

Gum recontouring in East Hartford is a cosmetic procedure wherein a dentist uses a soft tissue laser to gently trim the gum tissue with the goal of creating a more even gumline. It certainly cannot reverse gum recession. However, if the recession is fairly minor and it affects the gums near just a few teeth, this procedure can be used near other teeth to refine your smile’s aesthetics and help all of your teeth appear to be their proper length.

Gum Recontouring as Part of Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is an infection of the gum tissue that can permanently damage the gums and the bones that support them. Over time, the gums may shrink and recede, creating noticeable pockets between them and the teeth. Not only does this look unsightly, but it is also a serious oral health problem that can eventually lead to tooth loss.

In some cases, it is necessary to remove diseased gum tissue through gum recontouring. This allows the remaining healthy portion of the gums to heal and reattach to the teeth. The laser that is often used in gum recontouring can even kill harmful bacteria and facilitate an easy recovery. This type of gum recontouring may be used along with other procedures, such as antibiotic therapy, that aim to fight gum disease.

A Gum Graft Is Sometimes a Better Option

If your gums recede too far, the roots of your teeth could be exposed, causing you to suffer from increased dental sensitivity in addition to poor aesthetics. In these cases, regular gum recontouring may not be the solution. You might need a gum graft instead. This procedure takes tissue (usually from another part of your mouth) and attaches it to your remaining gums. This provides better coverage for your vulnerable tooth roots and can enhance the way your smile looks.

Get Started on Addressing Gum Recession

Gum recession tends to worsen as time goes on, so seeking treatment as soon as possible is important. Your dentist will evaluate the problem, strive to pinpoint its cause, and talk to you about your treatment options. Hopefully, it will not be long before you are the owner of a beautiful, even, and healthy gumline.

Meet the Practice

The team of dentists and specialists at Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut provides a broad range of services for the East Hartford community, including cosmetic gum recontouring, gum disease treatment, and much more. If you are concerned about receding gums, we would be pleased to consult with you. Contact us at 860-367-8326.

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