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Can Invisalign Fix TMJ Disorder?

September 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — compdental @ 5:09 pm
Smiling woman trying to fix TMJ with Invisalign

Invisalign is often regarded as a solely cosmetic treatment, but it is so much more than that. Not only can it straighten your teeth and improve your smile’s appearance, but it can also lower the risk of a number of oral health problems. Is TMJ disorder (TMD) such a problem? Well, that depends on your unique circumstances. Below, we discuss what can cause TMD and in which situations fixing TMJ with Invisalign might be possible.

What Causes TMD?

TMD is a condition that affects the TMJ (the joint that connects the lower jaw to the rest of the skull). It is a complex problem, and it is not yet fully understood. It can have a range of different causes, including injury, muscular strain, or even just emotional stress. In some cases, the cause remains unknown. Often, though, malocclusion (a bad bite) is the culprit. When the upper and lower teeth do not fit well together, your jaw has to work extra hard to allow you to speak and chew. This can cause soreness and inflammation in the surrounding muscles, leading to numerous unpleasant symptoms, including jaw pain, headaches, neckaches, and more.

Invisalign and TMD

In many cases, Invisalign is able to correct malocclusion. By moving the teeth into their correct position, it can facilitate better bite function. It often works with other accessories that are designed to train the lower jaw to rest in the proper place. After your Invisalign treatment, it is quite possible that your TMD will be less severe. Your symptoms might even disappear altogether.

Of course, it must be acknowledged that Invisalign is not appropriate for all cases of malocclusion and TMD. A severely misaligned bite may call for a different type of orthodontic treatment or possibly even surgery. It is also important to keep in mind that if a bad bite is not contributing to your TMD, Invisalign may do little to relieve your symptoms.

Getting Started with Fixing TMD

If you are struggling with the symptoms of TMD, you should visit a dentist. They will evaluate your bite and the positioning of your teeth before they recommend any type of treatment. They will be able to make an educated guess as to whether Invisalign might be able to relieve your TMD.

If it seems like Invisalign might not be a fit for you, your dentist may recommend other ways of relieving TMD. For example, some people benefit from a custom nightguard that prevents nocturnal teeth grinding. Other individuals find that facial massage or relaxation exercises are helpful.

Fixing TMD is not always a straightforward endeavor. However, it is possible that Invisalign could help your jaw to function and feel better. Your dentist will be happy to help you evaluate your treatment options.

Meet the Practice

The dentists and specialists at Comprehensive Dental Associates of Central Connecticut are proud to offer Invisalign, traditional orthodontic treatments, and other services that may be able to relieve TMD. If you are struggling with jaw pain, they would be pleased to consult with you. Contact our office at 860-288-5786.

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